- cutting of the separators in any desired length with one bending line in themiddle of the same piece of separator in order to facilitate the folding operation
- continuoussimultaneous step of the separator and the plate
- welding of the separators by pressure
- stacking of the enveloped and no-enveloped plates
- accumulation of the combined plates in vertical position

The pack of plates, stored in vertical position in the machine, are automatically separated and fed, by a vacuum system, over the belt
The belt conveyor feeds the plate to the welding station 90° located.
From the roll the separator is fed into a rotating system able to bend it in the middle before cutting.
The adjustment of the desired length is very quick and it is made by means of one speed variator.
After the enveloping operation the second feeder provides the no-enveloped plate (negative or positive according the selected program) over the enveloped one until the reaching of the selected number of combined plates.
An additional feeder, if it is necessary, feeds the odd plate over the formed group.
The all stacking operations are controlled by a microprocessor where all programs can be stored.
One automatic mechanism transfers the groups from horizontal to vertical position and stores them.
The speed is easy adjustable by means of moto-variator controlled by an inverter.
Type of plates: both positives or negatives. Formed or unformed ones
Plate dimensions:
Height from 100 up to 140 mm (lug excluded)
Width from 108 up to 150 mm
Thickness from 1,0 up to 3 mm
Plate transfer system: by chain conveyor the lowest part, by pusher the highest part
The machine is equipped with one roll support diam. 250mm
Welding system: by means of pressure
Service requirements: Electricity V=220/380 3Ph 50Hz
Installed power 12 Kwatt
Compressed air: 6 bar
Dust protection: the machine is largely enclosed and any chips are vacuumed away from the plate surface. Any existing suction and filter can
be connected.

NIK 120/I
Machine capacity: …………..120 enveloped plates per minute.
Overall dimensions:
Machine Length:…………….5.850 mm (Without glass-mat device )
Conveyor Length…………….2.500 mm
Machine Width:……………….1850 mm (Without lug brushing station )
Machine Height……………….2150 mm
Weight:…………………………….Uncrated Kg. 1410
Crated Kg. 1490
NIK 170/I
Machine capacity: …………….170 enveloped plates per minute.
Overall dimensions:
Machine Length:……………….8.850 mm (Without glass-mat device )
Conveyor Length:………………2.500 mm
Machine Width:…………………2.150 mm (Without lug brushing station )
Machine Height:…………………2150 mm
Weight:……………………………….Uncrated Kg. 2410
Crated Kg. 2590